Peter Griffin Battle Royale

You have entered the COOL zone!!

We have really based stuff such as: a peter griffin animated series!!

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Site created by PGBRCarlJohnson in HTML-Ive

The PGBR (Peter Griffin Battle Royale Gang/Club), also known as the PGG, is a group created by PGBRCarlJohnson & Ceaser, who are also known as "TypicalFunnyMat" & "trance009 respectivly. We mainly make memes, play games, try to remove bad shit from the internet, charge they phone & eat hot chip. Our main members are: akisblack, Ceaser, PGBRCarlJohnson, Gery, Kirby, Linux, LOLMan707, Skullaton, Sunset, AkwardToastMan & Ralx.

Our main rival is the "x$Clan made by xS_km. They have raided our discord server, spread miss-information about us bullying xS_km, and have been absolute assholes to us. x$Clan members are actually racist, Skam made a joke about "n**** in a cage.", which got him banned from ROBLOX. Skam has a friend called "Vinc", or "v1_nc". He is known for promoting drugs such as Cocaine & methamphetamine to Skam. Skam has stated multiple times that he wants to try drugs because of vinc. AkwardToastMan / Waffle used to be a part of the x$Clan until we told him about the things Skam & Vinc did. After we told him and showed proof, he immediatly joined the PGBR.

We also run an animated series called "PGBR". It is a parody of "Family Guy", featuring characters from many different TV Shows/Movies/Videogames/books...

Most PGBR episodes can be found on PGBRCarlJohnson's channel called "piss zapper", but some are on Ceaser's channel called "bruh zapper.


Site updated to V2! (17. 1. 2021)

I just created this thingy in HTML-ive. It might not come out today, but i made it on this day :)